I'm an experienced delivery practitioner, with a mix of leadership roles on an international stage. Equally comfortable at the enterprise level and with knowledge workers, my approach leverages empathy and empowerment for everyone at the table
My professional profile includes consulting and coaching with large multi-national enterprises as well as advisory and board membership with software start-up organizations.
Industries served:
Your success is your success. And it starts with your customer!
In mentoring and coaching, I provide methodology-agnostic expertise and quickly transfer skills directly to you and your team - the key to success here is to start with your customer value proposition and work backward in evolving your agility.
In delivery facilitation I'm part of your team, adopting a leadership style that works within your context; assimilation to your culture is immediate.
In any case, I begin the handover process as soon as it is practical, ensuring that nothing will fall through the cracks once I'm gone.
Training is an underappreciated skill. Where training is needed, I apply relevant experience, having lived through the challenges in the evolution toward enhanced agility. I'm still an active facilitator, mentor, and coach and continuously strive to remain up to speed on ever-evolving practices.
As a certified practitioner I will provide standard training or develop something specific to your context.